Instructions for Authors
New camera ready deadline is now
May the 11th
Authors should prepare a PDF
version of their paper. Papers must be in English and with
standard length of at most 8 pages for regular papers and 4
pages for posters, double column, in IEEE conference format (US
Letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and
Please format your final
submission according to the following files:
The first of these will
de-compress into a number of useful files, including an example
TeX file. But if you are impatient and just want the quick
start, just include at the beginning of your file:
\documentclass[10pt, conference,
Please do not modify this line by
using any other options!
IEEE Style Check
When preparing the camera ready
paper, it is mandatory to verify the IEEE Xplore compatibility
using IEEE
PDF eXpress. A specific conference ID to access the
verification tool has been provided to you within the
notification email. In addition, IEEE PDF eXpress can also be
used to create the PDF file from your source files, such that
the PDF file is automatically IEEE Xplore compatible. Please do
not use the article templates from the PDF eXpress site but the
above listed files.
After using IEEE PDF eXpress,
upload your IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF to
by May 11, 2010.
You must also upload the signed
copyright form. Get this form from here and fill it out. If you
cannot modify the pdf file of the copyright form, please send
it by fax using the number provided in your paper notification
Presentation Guidelines
Each regular talk lasts 20
minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q & A. Posters
presentations will last 2 minutes and will made to the whole
audience.The conference room is equipped with a notebook
computer and a computer projector. Please prepare your slides
in Powerpoint (preferred) or PDF format, and give the file to
your session chair before your session starts. Due to limited
height of the room, please avoid putting important information
in the bottom quarter of your slides.
Posters should be 30"x40" in size.