============================================================================================= Preliminary Call for Papers 19th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP) July 2-4, 2008 Leuven, Belgium http://www.asap-conference.org ============================================================================================= The conference will cover the theory and practice of application-specific systems, architectures and processors. Areas for application-specific computing are many and varied. Some sample application areas include information systems, signal and image processing, multimedia systems, communication, high-speed networks, sensor networks, compression, graphics and cryptography. Aspects of application-specific computing that are of interest include, but are not limited to: Application-specific systems: network computing, special-purpose systems, performance evaluation, design languages, compilers, operating systems, nanocomputing systems and applications, hardware/software integration and rapid prototyping. Application-specific architectures: special-purpose designs, design methodology, CAD tools, fault tolerance, specifications and interfaces, networks-on-a-chip, hardware/software co-design, processor arrays, SoC, superscalar, multithreaded, VLIW and EPIC architectures. Application-specific processors: digital signal processing, computer arithmetic, reconfigurable/custom computing, implementation methodologies, new technologies, fine-grain parallelism, FPGAs, low-power designs and asynchronous hardware. Information for authors: A PDF of the complete paper should be submitted via the conference web site at http://www.asap-conference.org. Papers must be no more than 6 pages, and should follow the formatting guidelines at ftp://pubftp.computer.org/press/outgoing/proceedings/instruct.pdf. However, the first submission must be anonymous, i.e. the names and affiliations of the authors must be omitted. Submissions which identify the authors or affiliations will not be considered. Only original research contributions will be considered. Submissions which substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere, or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences or workshops that have proceedings, will be instantly rejected. For further information about the conference and paper formatting instructions, please see the conference web page. Important Dates: Deadline for submission of abstracts & papers: 27 Feb 2008 Notification of acceptance: 25 April 2008 Deadline for submission of final paper: 7 May 2008 Organizing Committee: General Chair Diederik Verkest, IMEC, Belgium Program Co-Chair Steve Wilton, University of British Columbia, Canada Program Co-Chair Ingrid Verbauwhede, K.U.Leuven, Belgium Local Arrangements Fred Loosens, IMEC, Belgium Publicity Murali Jayapala, IMEC, Belgium Web Management Praveen Raghavan, IMEC, Belgium Proceedings Andy Lambrechts, IMEC, Belgium =============================================================================================